

Image result for premonition

Source: Steemit

I’ve always been especially skeptical about those who claim to have premonitions, or at least those who label them premonitions and I’ve found it to be quite sad on my part. A premonition by definition is a feeling that something is about to happen, usually bad.

To this I say, are the connotations of what we believe premonitions to be accurate? I, like many others, envision somebody holding their fingers to their temples seeing an unfortunate accident taking place before it does. Is there another word for this though?

Could this be described as a bad feeling? Intuition? Does this ability even exist in any part at all?

Quite often, people believe something due to a coincidence in which they choose to focus on. I’ve known people to have ‘bad feelings‘ about something most days, to be proven right on one particular day and then feel as though they are omnipotent.

I try not to be a cynic about things that I can neither prove n’or disprove because that just seems arrogant and self-righteous, and quite honestly I would love for somebody to have this type of gift – imagine!

I would love to hear examples in which people believe they have had premonitions.



Image result for imagination

Source: Thrive Global

Ahh imagination, the skill that we’re all taught to grow out of and then grow back in to for any hope of employment – don’t you love it!

Personally, I had quite high hopes of being a billionaire cowboy astronaut and achieved this through closing my eyes and wearing a hat. Why is it now that I struggle to do the same thing with the only thing changing being my age?

Throughout school, arts are nowhere near as encouraged as they should be. In school there is only one way of learning and if there is no immediate conformity to this then you must have ADHD or another issue. Absurd.

The amount of crap I received in school for not being able to focus in a way in which others did felt really unfair, and I didn’t understand why. Now I do. The way in which we perceive imagination, creativity and diversity were manipulated and only allowed to thrive in controlled ways.

The real kicker?

Employers now want us to have this imagination that was trained out of the majority of people as they see it as a great boon. Incredible!

I have a little nephew, only a few months old. I genuinely can’t wait for him to question the world and will always encourage him to do so, I hope he’ll be encouraged by the possibility of being able to do anything he wishes, rather than feeling he is confined by what an institution tells him he should be.

I hope this isn’t something I can only imagine and never experience.



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Source: Congregate Online

One thing I often feel quite sad about is that it seems to take an enormous amount of effort to have people congregate in order to socialise. In my earlier teenage years, people would be dying to hang out! They’d love any opportunity to do something and craved making new friends. This however, no longer seems to be the case. People often state that they don’t see many people and it upsets them but when offered the opportunity, they find excuses.

It sucks.

I would love the chance to be able to socialise with people more, it’s pretty easy to feel like you’re swamped under – especially as a student when it feels as though you’re doing everything and getting so little in return.

I think I need a good chance to congregate, feel like I’m a part of something.



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Source: Jetlagged Comic

I’ve always had an issue with those people who insist upon something being done because I’ve found that it is not often necessary to insist upon something. In my previous roles I was often asked to perform a variety of tasks, as we all are at some point, and found myself generally being more than happy to undertake these tasks.

The act of being told what to do and how to do it made these acts a lot more difficult to complete solely due to the demand rather than the request.

This isn’t my way of stating that hierarchy is evil or anything of that sort. If there is a mutual respect between two people, there will be very few instances in which anything needs to be insisted and the majority of us know that when somebody asks us to do something there often isn’t really a choice but we appreciate the gesture!

My advice would always be that if you’re constantly insisting on things being a certain way, you’re the problem and should seek to change.



Enroll Today

Source: Sisters School District

One of my regrets within my university life is not enrolling on to more activities and opportunities. I waited until my final year which was a silly mistake looking back.

Now I’m a mentor to foundation level students and also a trained volunteer who helps in keeping people safe when they’re on a night out at the campus nightclub. Both these opportunities are absolutely fantastic and have made me feel like I’m making a different within the campus and to be honest, I have met a load of great people and enjoy doing it.

My advice to any students and people with spare time on their hands is to get into volunteering. I understand that for some people it’s difficult to make the time due to other commitments and issues, but most of us can spare a couple of hours a week. It’s fun to get involved with, helps others more vulnerable than yourself and often enhances your employability – everyone wins!




Normally I would put an insightful, deep, thoughtful post as my prompt for the day. Not today. Look how pretty I am!

Possibly one of the proudest moments of my life, passing my driving test and being permitted to roam these scary streets behind the wheel of a deadly piece of machinery. True happiness. My driving success was actually something that took me by surprise, as I am in no way a practically minded person I thought I would be terrible. However after only 4 months of lessons, I passed first time with only one minor.

Learning to drive was probably the first instance in which I started to feel like an adult. Being able to sit behind the wheel, driving my very own car. It’s something I don’t really take for granted, for which I’m thankful!

To some people, passing your driving test is just one of a number of things that will happen in your life and you don’t think much of it. To others however, it’s one of them rare times in you can quite rapidly see the progress you’re making and you begin to understanding that you’re good at something and will quite soon be gratified as a consequence.

Enjoy your victories, no matter the size.



Image result for insectsSource: Freepik

Whenever I think of creatures, I’m taken back to my childhood in which I was obsessed with insects and bugs and everything you’d describe as a creepy crawly. My obsession wasn’t academic, I didn’t study or collect them, I just observed them. I loved finding them in the garden and just watching what they did and how they moved and went about their little lives.

I mean, it has to be said that I sometimes invented backstories for them and enjoyed ensuring their future happiness and marriage, I’m referring to you Mr and Mrs Worm. It should be noted that imagination was not always my strong point.

I recently thought that I’d just fallen out of my obsession, but it still grips me sometimes. I’ll be walking and I’ll sit on the bench, noticing a couple of insects on the floor and I’ll just notice myself zoning out watching them. I find it absolutely amazing.

People watching is more my thing, but I’m sure if you filmed from a birds eye angle you’d notice very few differences between the way in which people and creatures act.



Image result for sympathy and empathy

Source: Empathy Lab

I like to believe that if we gained a clearer understanding of sympathy and empathy and tried to act more towards the latter, we’d be able to tackle issues of inequality and misconception a whole lot easier.

Sympathy is to acknowledge that somebody is in pain and to feel for them.
Empathy is to feel another person’s pain as your own and to feel with them.

Most of us can’t hope to understand how different people deal with negative events within their life as no two people will react in the same way towards a particular incidence. What we should hope to do however is try to gain an understanding of how that person is feeling and how you would feel if you were in the same position.

I’ve had times in my life in which I’ve helped people through strife by simply being there and by being honest. I’ve made mistakes in the past with regards to helping others and I’ve sometimes tried to silver line something and quite frankly that’s silly because rarely does a response actually help either way.

If you’re unsure of how to help someone when they’re in a hole – don’t shout down to them, jump in that hole with them.




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Source: Brainless Tales

As I find myself getting older, I find myself getting more and more puzzled each day by different things. I did not anticipate this.

Here I am, 10 years ago, enjoying my lovely little naive life about how I’ll know everything in 10 years time and then boom! Guess how much Alex knows now? Not nearly as much as he thought he would.

Though I’m quite fortunate in the fact that I realise nobody really knows much either.

I sometimes get a little worried about the future, as a student worrying about the future is something I’m quite well-versed in doing – it’s as natural as blinking and breathing. Then I remember that the future is coming regardless of whether I worry about it and as long as I’m making every effort to maximise what I can get out of the future, I should be alright! *Insert nervous laugh here*.

I have to admit though, being puzzled is sometimes a great feeling. When something inconsequential is puzzling me to the point in which it takes me days or weeks to solve something, hysteria takes over and I end up having the time of my life.

If you take anything from this, let it be this: you will never know everything and hoping to do so will leave you very disappointed, enjoy the little puzzles in life!



When I was younger there were things that I would have chopped my arm off to have in great abundance – chocolate, money, chocolate money (I was a simple child). Though there was one other thing too and that was friends. I wanted to be that guy who had loads of people hanging out with him because they actually liked him and because they would have the best time with him.

I realised eventually that abundance of most things is highly overrated. In my ageing I’ve come to see that it’s extremely hard to find a balance – when I had an abundance of time I had very little money and when I worked 50 hours a week I had an abundance of money and no time with my loved ones with whom to share it with.

It occurred to me that my time is much more valuable than the resources gained from wasting every second of it in a miserable job, so I quit. I focused on my studies a lot more and found that the things I wanted in abundance before were silly. I have a couple of friends, my girlfriend, my family and enough time to enjoy myself and enough money to treat myself.

Profuse amounts of something seem to lead to a lack of something else. The abundance you go looking for is inconsequential, whereas the abundance that you find yourself within without searching is the abundance you need.